We provide training services to staff and end users to ensure quality of services.
We offer training in quality management systems as well equipment operations training

The Quality Assurance (QA) initiative faces many challenges including (but not limited to), poor documentation of QA processes and equipment performance, equipment calibrations, recording of testing results with appropriate controls, documentation of remedial actions for occurrences and safety practices records. Additionally, there are major challenges with the EQA program (i.e. Proficiency testing, on site evaluation and re-testing of samples) where the country lacks the capacity to produce enough Proficiency Testing (PT) panels, ineffective and inefficient structure and mechanisms to distribute and track EQA materials, results and feedback, low capacity to follow up poor performing laboratories and support them with remedial, preventive and corrective actions timely, and problems with equipment calibration. Despite development of QA log books, they’re underutilized, no reports are collected from these log books, there is no reporting database and hence no or minimal use of information collected through these log books. In regard to these shortcomings the initiative will therefore cover the following scopes to compliment the efforts being done by the MoH through NHLQATC and other stakeholders
Scope of the EQA Initiative:
- Support EQA Provider in tracking of PT panels from its dispatch at the Lab until delivery to the testing point – create a mechanism of monitoring PT panels from the dispatch to couriers up to delivery at the DLTs and support its delivery to testing points by providing transportations means i.e. cars, fuel, allowances, etc.
- Fast tracking the testing process at the testing points by using existing systems to enable timely and reliable testing– sensitize testers at testing points on the importance of timely testing of the panels, the process will include creating awareness of the testers on sample arrivals and stock availability of the testing kits.
- Facilitate timely sending of results from testing points to the EQA Provider through building capacity to testers to use online system– include a basic skills training on use of electronic application to correctly sending results of EQA, training and provide continual mentorships
- Provide TA to HFs in analyzing EQA results and ensure timely disseminations of results to respective testing points and other relevant stakeholders– building capacity to laboratory staff on basic data management skills using computer software like excel etc.
- Coordinating supportive supervision visits to all testing points especially those with poor performance to rectify identified gaps before next PT panel arrives– in order to improve continuously and immediate rectifications of identified gaps, the project will support implementation of corrective actions and evaluate its effectiveness through performance of the following PT panels.
Available Training
Equipment Operators Training:
We offer users training on how to operate various laboratory equipments.
Quality Management System
We offer training on various quality management system in the areas of laboratory equipment management
For a List of all available Training programs or to request a custom training send an email to info@callab.co.tz